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COVID-19 Information


While it is not possible to eliminate all risk of furthering the spread of COVID-19, SAIH is taking necessary precautions to comply with guidelines from public health authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control and the Pennsylvania Department of Health, as well as AAU and PIRHL, to attempt to mitigate the risks to players, coaches, and their families. As knowledge regarding COVID-19 is constantly changing, SAIH reserves the right to adjust and implement precautionary methods as necessary to decrease the risk of exposure. Some precautionary steps that we are implementing are:


  1. Health screenings prior to any practice or game with participation in the being limited and/or prohibited where an individual displays positive responses or symptoms

    • Temperature check, questions regarding symptoms or potential exposure​

  2. Masks must be worn by all parties while at facilities.

    • Players may remove mask prior to entering the rink during practices and games. Masks must be worn at all other times

    • Coaches must wear masks at all times, including on the rink

  3. Require Players and Coaches to provide their own water bottles

  4. Encourage social distancing and promote healthy hygiene practices such as hand washing, using hand sanitizer, etc

  5. Arrive 5 minutes prior to practice, preferably already dressed with only needing to lace up skates

  6. Arrive no more than 15 minutes prior to games, preferably already dressed with only needing to lace up skates

    • Note: PIRHL will not start games early this season, they will all start on-time​

  7. No Post-Game handshakes - players will instead line up on Blue Lines and 'tap sticks'


PIRHL Guidelines

Player Mask Guidelines


Currently, players do not need to wear masks while on the rink


Return to Play


PIRHL has stated that if a player comes in contact with a person that tests positive, then the player needs to quarantine from PIRHL activities for 14 days. If another player comes in contact with the first player within that 14-day window they also need to quarantine for 14 days. Any player can return immediately if they test negative.


Note: Additionally, SAIH recommends that the player's family consult with a medical professional for clearance prior to returning to practices or games.


General Guidelines 



  1. Rinks- Please follow their mandates and rules

  2. Players should arrive dressed, as there will be no locker rooms available.

  3. Coaches are required to take players' temperatures.

  4. Games will start at scheduled times. NO OVERTIME. NO TIMEOUTS

  5. Coaches, at this time, must wear masks. Please have current AAU card in your lanyards

  6. Please be aware that mouthpieces must be fully in the player's mouth. The first time it will be a penalty. Second-time removal from the game without a penalty assessed.

  7. Refs with calls roughing penalties more quickly as to keep player's emotions in check.

  8. After games, no handshakes, and please leave the rink as safe and quickly as possible.

  9. Everyone makes the playoffs, let’s make the regular season safe and fun


Enjoy your season. Stay Healthy


Rink Guidelines

The following are the rink specific guidelines that we have as of the date stated.


Bridgeville Rollerplex


ALL coaches, parents and players need to sign the BRP smart waiver. It is on the FaceBook page or our website it can be found under “About Us”.  They will be checked at the door if the waivers have been signed beforehand. If not they can not enter our building until one is signed. This could hold up the games. Please ask parents to do ahead of time. 

Any questions please email


RMU Sports Island


Murrysville Sportszone


Mt. Pleasant Sportzone

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